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Explore articles by some key Aotearoa New Zealand ocean scientists

The new guideline, prepared by the Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group, illustrates the mutual benefits of data sharing to both science and industry.
Tāwera, Te Aramahiti, The Morning Star Guides Eastward: reviving traditional navigation knowledge in the Pacific, a paper that captures the important role of Indigenous and local knowledge in ocean science
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The Barcelona Statement identifies the priority areas of action for the Ocean Decade in coming years.
What is the Barcelona Statement
Aotearoa New Zealand took center stage at the inaugural UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona.
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A New Zealand scientist and a submersible pilot from China have become the first women to dive to Scholl Deep in the Kermadec Trench, 10 km below sea level.
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Executive Director of Mountains to Sea, Zoe Studd, talks about their latest citizen science project Love Rimurimu, focusing on giant kelp restoration in the Taputeranga Marine Reserve.