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Explore articles by some key Aotearoa New Zealand ocean scientists

This article summarises a recent report drawing on work by GNS Science, Victoria University of Wellington, the Antarctic Science Platform and researchers in many other New Zealand and overseas organisations, as well as publications from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It highlights the importance of the poles and how scientists model the past to predict the future of Antarctica.
David Trubridge
Submit your ocean design concepts showcasing Māori or Pacific ocean knowledges and win the $5k prize!
Capture competition
The authors are looking at indigenous environmental stewardship and how indigenous marine governance is experiencing a revival.
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Professor Lionel Carter (VUW) writes about the Aotearoa New Zealand Ocean as a meeting place of cultures, tectonic plates, subtropical to polar oceans and climate systems.
The Blue Cradle Foundation's inaugural expedition will collect environmental samples along shipping routes and important marine habitats.
Julie chandelier common dolphins 1